"""This module contains the buffer classes utilized by the agents
It contains the following classes:
- :class:`AgentBuffer`: Buffer class which is instantiated in every agent to store data
- :class:`MetrologicalAgentBuffer`: Buffer class which is instantiated in every
metrological agent to store data
import copy
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sized, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
__all__ = ["AgentBuffer", "MetrologicalAgentBuffer"]
from time_series_buffer import TimeSeriesBuffer
class AgentBuffer:
"""Buffer class which is instantiated in every agent to store data incrementally
This buffer is necessary to handle multiple inputs coming from agents.
We can access the buffer like a dict with exposed functions such as .values(),
.keys() and .items(). The actual dict object is stored in the variable
buffer : dict of iterables or dict of dicts of iterables
The buffer can be a dict of iterables, or a dict of dict of iterables for nested
named data. The keys are the names of agents.
buffer_size : int
The total number of elements to be stored in the agent :attr:`buffer`
supported_datatypes : list of types
List of all types supported and thus properly handled by the buffer. Defaults to
:class:`np.ndarray <NumPy:numpy.ndarray>`, list and Pandas
:class:`DataFrame <Pandas:pandas.DataFrame>`
def __init__(self, buffer_size: Optional[int] = 1000):
"""Initialise a new agent buffer object
buffer_size: int, optional
Length of buffer allowed.
self.buffer = {}
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.supported_datatypes = [list, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.buffer[key]
def check_supported_datatype(self, obj: object) -> bool:
"""Checks whether `value` is an object of one of the supported data types
obj : object
Value to be checked
result : boolean
True if value is an object of one of the supported data types, False if not
for supported_datatype in self.supported_datatypes:
if isinstance(obj, supported_datatype):
return True
return False
def update(
agent_from: Union[Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame]], str],
data: Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame, float, int] = None,
"""Overrides data in the buffer dict keyed by ``agent_from`` with value ``data``
If ``data`` is a single value, this converts it into a list first before storing
in the buffer dict.
agent_from : str
Name of agent sender
data : np.ndarray, DataFrame, list, float or int
New incoming data
# handle if data type nested in dict
if isinstance(data, dict):
# check for each value datatype
for key, value in data.items():
# if the value is not list types, turn it into a list of single value
# i.e [value]
if not self.check_supported_datatype(value):
data[key] = [value]
elif not self.check_supported_datatype(data):
data = [data]
self.buffer.update({agent_from: data})
return self.buffer
def _concatenate(
iterable: Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame],
data: Union[np.ndarray, list, DataFrame],
concat_axis: int = 0,
) -> Iterable:
"""Concatenate the given ``iterable`` with ``data``
Handles the concatenation function depending on the datatype, and truncates it
if the buffer is filled to `buffer_size`.
iterable : any in supported_datatype
The current buffer to be concatenated with.
data : np.ndarray, DataFrame, list
New incoming data
any in supported_datatype
the original buffer with the data appended
# handle list
if isinstance(iterable, list):
iterable += data
# check if exceed memory buffer size, remove the first n elements which
# exceeded the size
if len(iterable) > self.buffer_size:
truncated_element_index = len(iterable) - self.buffer_size
iterable = iterable[truncated_element_index:]
# handle if data type is np.ndarray
elif isinstance(iterable, np.ndarray):
iterable = np.concatenate((iterable, data), axis=concat_axis)
if len(iterable) > self.buffer_size:
truncated_element_index = len(iterable) - self.buffer_size
iterable = iterable[truncated_element_index:]
# handle if data type is pd.DataFrame
elif isinstance(iterable, pd.DataFrame):
iterable = pd.concat([iterable, data], ignore_index=True, axis=concat_axis)
if len(iterable) > self.buffer_size:
truncated_element_index = len(iterable) - self.buffer_size
iterable = iterable.truncate(before=truncated_element_index)
return iterable
def buffer_filled(self, agent_from: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
"""Checks whether buffer is filled, by comparing against the :attr:`buffer_size`
For nested dict, this returns True if any of the iterables is beyond the
:attr:`buffer_size`. For any of the dict values , which is not one of
:attr:`supported_datatypes` this returns None.
agent_from : str, optional
Name of input agent in the buffer dict to be looked up. If ``agent_from``
is not provided, we check for all iterables in the buffer (default).
bool or None
True if either the or any of the iterables has reached
:attr:`buffer_size` or None in case none of the values is of one of the
supported datatypes. False if all present iterable can take at least
one more element according to :attr:`buffer_size`.
if agent_from is None:
return any([self._iterable_filled(iterable) for iterable in self.values()])
elif isinstance(self[agent_from], dict):
return any(
for iterable in self[agent_from].values()
return self._iterable_filled(self[agent_from])
def _iterable_filled(self, iterable: Sized) -> Union[bool, None]:
"""Internal method for checking on length of iterables of supported types
iterable : Any
Expected to be an iterable of one of the supported datatypes but could be
bool or None
True if the iterable is of one of the supported datatypes and has reached
:attr:`buffer_size` in length or False if not or None in case it is not of
one of the supported datatypes.
if self.check_supported_datatype(iterable):
if len(iterable) >= self.buffer_size:
return True
return False
def popleft(self, n: Optional[int] = 1) -> Union[Dict, np.ndarray, list, DataFrame]:
"""Pops the first n entries in the buffer
n : int
Number of elements to retrieve from buffer
dict, :class:`np.ndarray <NumPy:numpy.ndarray>`, list or Pandas
:class:`DataFrame <Pandas:pandas.DataFrame>`
The retrieved elements
popped_buffer = copy.copy(self.buffer)
remaining_buffer = copy.copy(self.buffer)
if isinstance(popped_buffer, dict):
for key, value in popped_buffer.items():
value, remaining_buffer[key] = self._popleft(value, n)
popped_buffer, remaining_buffer = self._popleft(popped_buffer, n)
self.buffer = remaining_buffer
return popped_buffer
def _popleft(
iterable: Union[np.ndarray, list, DataFrame], n: Optional[int] = 1
) -> Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, list, DataFrame], Union[np.ndarray, list, DataFrame]]:
"""Internal handler of the actual popping mechanism based on type of iterable
n : int
Number of elements to retrieve from buffer.
iterable : any in :attr:`supported_datatypes`
The current buffer to retrieve from.
2-tuple of each either one of :class:`np.ndarray <NumPy:numpy.ndarray>`,
list or Pandas :class:`DataFrame <Pandas:pandas.DataFrame>`
The retrieved elements and the residual items in the buffer
popped_item = 0
if isinstance(iterable, list):
popped_item = iterable[:n]
iterable = iterable[n:]
elif isinstance(iterable, np.ndarray):
popped_item = iterable[:n]
iterable = iterable[n:]
elif isinstance(iterable, pd.DataFrame):
popped_item = iterable.iloc[:n]
iterable = iterable.iloc[n:]
return popped_item, iterable
def clear(self, agent_from: Optional[str] = None):
"""Clears the data in the buffer
agent_from : str, optional
Name of agent, if ``agent_from`` is not given, the entire buffer is
flushed. (default)
if agent_from is None:
self.buffer = {}
elif agent_from in self.buffer:
del self.buffer[agent_from]
def store(
agent_from: Union[Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame]], str],
data: Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame, float, int] = None,
concat_axis: Optional[int] = 0,
"""Stores data into :attr:`buffer` with the received message
Checks if sender agent has sent any message before. If it did, then append,
otherwise create new entry for it.
agent_from : dict | str
if type is dict, we expect it to be the agentMET4FOF dict message to be
compliant with older code (keys ``from`` and ``data`` present'), otherwise
we expect it to be name of agent sender and ``data`` will need to be passed
as parameter
data : np.ndarray, DataFrame, list, float or int
Not used if ``agent_from`` is a dict. Otherwise ``data`` is compulsory.
concat_axis : int, optional
axis to concatenate on with the buffering for numpy arrays.
Default is 0.
# Store into a separate variables, it will be used frequently later for the
# type checks. If first argument is the agentMET4FOF dict message in old format
if isinstance(agent_from, dict):
message_from = agent_from["from"]
message_data = agent_from["data"]
# ... otherwise, we expect the name of agent_sender and the data to be passed.
message_from = agent_from
message_data = data
# check if sender agent has sent any message before:
# if it did,then append, otherwise create new entry for the input agent
if message_from not in self.buffer:
self.update(message_from, message_data)
return 0
# otherwise 'sender' exists in memory, handle appending
# acceptable data types : list, dict, ndarray, dataframe, single values
# handle nested data in dict
if isinstance(message_data, dict):
for key, value in message_data.items():
# if it is a single value, then we convert it into a single element list
if not self.check_supported_datatype(value):
value = [value]
# check if the key exist
# if it does, then append
if key in self.buffer[agent_from].keys():
self.buffer[agent_from][key] = self._concatenate(
self.buffer[agent_from][key], value, concat_axis
# otherwise, create new entry
self.buffer[agent_from].update({key: value})
if not self.check_supported_datatype(message_data):
message_data = [message_data]
self.buffer[agent_from] = self._concatenate(
self.buffer[agent_from], message_data, concat_axis
def values(self):
"""Interface to access the internal dict's values()"""
return self.buffer.values()
def items(self):
"""Interface to access the internal dict's items()"""
return self.buffer.items()
def keys(self):
"""Interface to access the internal dict's keys()"""
return self.buffer.keys()
class MetrologicalAgentBuffer(AgentBuffer):
"""Buffer class which is instantiated in every metrological agent to store data
This buffer is necessary to handle multiple inputs coming from agents.
We can access the buffer like a dict with exposed functions such as .values(),
.keys() and .items(). The actual dict object is stored in the attribute
:attr:`buffer <agentMET4FOF.agents.AgentBuffer.buffer>`. The list in
:attr:`supported_datatypes <agentMET4FOF.agents.AgentBuffer.supported_datatypes>`
contains one more element
for metrological agents, namely :class:`TimeSeriesBuffer
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int = 1000):
"""Initialise a new agent buffer object
buffer_size: int
Length of buffer allowed.
super(MetrologicalAgentBuffer, self).__init__(buffer_size)
def convert_single_to_tsbuffer(self, single_data: Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray]):
"""Convert common data in agentMET4FOF to :class:`TimeSeriesBuffer
single_data : iterable of iterables (list, tuple, np.ndarray) with shape (N, M)
* M==2 (pairs): assumed to be like (time, value)
* M==3 (triple): assumed to be like (time, value, value_unc)
* M==4 (4-tuple): assumed to be like (time, time_unc, value, value_unc)
the new :class:`TimeSeriesBuffer
<time-series-buffer:time_series_buffer.buffer.TimeSeriesBuffer>` object
ts = TimeSeriesBuffer(maxlen=self.buffer_size)
return ts
def update(
agent_from: str,
data: Union[Dict, List, Tuple, np.ndarray],
) -> TimeSeriesBuffer:
"""Overrides data in the buffer dict keyed by `agent_from` with value `data`
agent_from : str
Name of agent sender
data : dict or iterable of iterables (list, tuple, np.ndarray) with shape (N, M
the data to be stored in the metrological buffer
the updated :class:`TimeSeriesBuffer
<time-series-buffer:time_series_buffer.buffer.TimeSeriesBuffer>` object
# handle if data type nested in dict
if isinstance(data, dict):
# check for each value datatype
for key, value in data.items():
data[key] = self.convert_single_to_tsbuffer(value)
data = self.convert_single_to_tsbuffer(data)
self.buffer.update({agent_from: data})
return self.buffer
def _concatenate(
iterable: TimeSeriesBuffer,
data: Union[np.ndarray, list, pd.DataFrame],
concat_axis: int = 0,
) -> TimeSeriesBuffer:
"""Concatenate the given ``TimeSeriesBuffer`` with ``data``
Add ``data`` to the :class:`TimeSeriesBuffer
<time-series-buffer:time_series_buffer.buffer.TimeSeriesBuffer>` object.
iterable : TimeSeriesBuffer
The current buffer to be concatenated with.
data : np.ndarray, DataFrame, list
New incoming data
the original buffer with the data appended
return iterable