Source code for agentMET4FOF.agents.noise_jitter_removal_agents

import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from agentMET4FOF.agents import AgentMET4FOF

[docs] class MCMCMHNJ: """This is the main class that implements the Bayesian Noise and jitter reduction It is used by the :class:`NoiseJitterRemovalAgent`. MCMC used to determine the noise and jitter variances. Noise and jitter variances are then used in an iterative algorithm to remove the noise and jitter from the signal. For a more detailed description of the individual methods are provided in a `wiki <>`_ """ def __init__(self, fs, ydata, N, niter, tol, m0w, s0w, m0t, s0t, Mc, M0, Nc, Q): """Setting initial variables""" # variables for AnalyseSignalN and NJAlgorithm self.fs = fs self.ydata = ydata self.N = N self.niter = niter self.tol = tol self.m0w = m0w self.s0w = s0w self.m0t = m0t self.s0t = s0t self.Mc = Mc self.M0 = M0 self.Nc = Nc self.Q = Q
[docs] def AnalyseSignalN(self): """Analyse signal to remove noise and jitter providing signal estimates Associated uncertainty. Uses normalised independent variable. """ # Initialisation self.N = np.int64(self.N) # Converting window length integer to int64 format m = np.size(self.ydata) # Signal data length m = np.int64(m) # Converting signal length to int64 format # Setting initial variables n = (self.N - 1) // 2 # Covariance matrix for signal values Vmat = np.zeros((np.multiply(2, self.N) - 1, np.multiply(2, self.N) - 1)) # Sensitivity vectors cvec = np.zeros(n, self.N) # Sensitivity matrix Cmat = np.zeros((self.N, np.multiply(2, self.N) - 1)) # Initial signal estimate yhat0 = np.full((m, 1), np.nan) # Final signal estimate yhat = np.full((m, 1), np.nan) # Uncertainty information for estimates vyhat = np.full((m, self.N), np.nan) # Consistency matrix R = np.full((m, 1), np.nan) # Values of normalised independent variables datax = np.divide(np.arange(-n, n + 1), self.fs) outs = self.mcmcm_main( self.ydata, datax, self.m0w, self.s0w, self.m0t, self.s0t, self.Mc, self.M0, self.Nc, self.Q, ) self.jitterSD = outs[0] self.noiseSD = outs[1] # Loop through indices L of window L = 0 if np.size(self.ydata) > 10: # Index k of indices L of windows k = L + n # Extract data in window datay = self.ydata[L : L + self.N] # Initial polynomial approximation p = np.polyfit(datax, datay, 3) pval = np.polyval(p, datax) yhat0[k] = pval[n] # Applying algorithm to remove noise and jitter [yhat[k], ck, vark, R[k]] = MCMCMHNJ.NJAlgorithm( self, datax, datay, p, pval ) # First n windows, start building the covariance matrix Vmat for the data if L < n + 1: Vmat[L - 1, L - 1] = vark # for windows n+1 to 2n, continue building the covariance matrix Vmat and # start storing the sensitivity vectors ck in cvec elif n < L < np.multiply(2, n) + 1: Vmat[L - 1, L - 1] = vark cvec[L - n - 1, :] = ck # For windows between 2n+1 and 4n, continue to build Vmat and cvec, and # start building the sensitivity matrix Cmat from the sensitivity # vectors. Also, evaluate uncertainties for previous estimates. elif np.multiply(2, n) < L < np.multiply(4, n) + 2: Vmat[L - 1, L - 1] = vark # Count for building sensitivity matrix iC = L - np.multiply(2, n) # Start building sensitivity matrix from cvec Cmat[iC - 1, :] = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, iC - 1)), cvec[0, :], np.zeros((1, self.N - iC))), axis=None, ) # Removing the first row of cvec and shift every row up one - creating # empty last row cvec = np.roll(cvec, -1, axis=0) cvec[-1, :] = 0 # Update empty last row cvec[n - 1, :] = ck Cmatk = Cmat[0:iC, 1 : self.N - 1 + iC] # Continue building Vmat Vmatk = Vmat[1 : self.N - 1 + iC, 1 : self.N - 1 + iC] V = np.matmul(np.matmul(Cmatk, Vmatk), np.transpose(Cmatk)) vhempty = np.empty((1, self.N - iC)) vhempty[:] = np.nan # Begin building vyhat vyhat[L, :] = np.concatenate((vhempty, V[iC - 1, :]), axis=None) # For the remaining windows, update Vmat, Cmat and cvec. Continue to # evaluate the uncertainties for previous estimates. elif L > np.multiply(4, n) + 1: # Update Vmat Vmat = np.delete(Vmat, 0, axis=0) Vmat = np.delete(Vmat, 0, axis=1) Vmatzeros = np.zeros([Vmat.shape[0] + 1, Vmat.shape[1] + 1]) Vmatzeros[: Vmat.shape[0], : Vmat.shape[1]] = Vmat Vmat = Vmatzeros Vmat[2 * self.N - 2, 2 * self.N - 2] = vark # Building updated Cmat matrix Cmat_old = np.concatenate( (Cmat[1 : self.N, 1 : 2 * self.N - 1], np.zeros([self.N - 1, 1])), axis=1, ) Cmat_new = np.concatenate( (np.zeros([1, self.N - 1]), cvec[0, :]), axis=None ) Cmat = np.concatenate((Cmat_old, Cmat_new[:, None].T), axis=0) # Update cvec cvec = np.roll(cvec, -1, axis=0) cvec[-1, :] = 0 # Continue building vyhat V = np.matmul(np.matmul(Cmat, Vmat), np.transpose(Cmat)) vyhat[L, :] = V[self.N - 2, :] L += 1 return yhat[k]
[docs] def NJAlgorithm(self, datax, data_y, p0, p0x): """Noise and Jitter Removal Algorithm Iterative scheme that preprocesses data to reduce the effects of noise and jitter, resulting in an estimate of the true signal along with its associated uncertainty. References ---------- * Jagan et al. [Jagan2020]_ """ # Initialisation iter_ = 0 delta = np.multiply(2, self.tol) # Values of basis function at central point in window N = np.size(datax) n = np.divide(self.N - 2, 2) k = np.int64(n + 1) t = np.array([np.power(datax[k], 3), np.power(datax[k], 2), datax[k], 1]) # Design Matrix X = np.array( [ np.power(datax, 3) + 3 * np.multiply(np.power(self.jitterSD, 2), datax), np.power(datax, 2) + np.power(self.jitterSD, 2), datax, np.ones(np.size(datax)), ] ) X = X.T # Iterative algorithm while delta >= self.tol: # Increment number of iterations iter_ += 1 # Step 2 - Polynomial fitting over window pd = np.polyder(p0) pdx = np.polyval(pd, datax) # Step 4 # Weight calculation w = np.divide( 1, [ np.sqrt( np.power(self.jitterSD, 2) * np.power(pdx, 2) + np.power(self.noiseSD, 2) ) ], ) w = w.T # Calculating polynomial coeffs Xt = np.matmul(np.diagflat(w), X) C = np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(Xt), np.diagflat(w)) data_y = data_y.T p1 = np.matmul(C, data_y) p1x = np.polyval(p1, datax) # Step 5 - stabilise process delta = np.max(np.abs(p1x - p0x)) p0 = p1 p0x = p1x if iter_ == self.niter: print("Maximum number of iterations reached") break # Evaluate outputs c = np.matmul(t, C) y_hat = np.matmul(c, data_y) pd = np.polyder(p0) pdx = np.polyval(pd, datax[k]) vk = np.power(self.jitterSD, 2) * np.power(pdx, 2) + np.power(self.noiseSD, 2) R = np.power( np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(np.diagflat(w), (data_y - np.matmul(X, p0)))), 2 ) return y_hat, c, vk, R
@staticmethod def mcmcm_main(data_y, data_x, m0w, s0w, m0t, s0t, Mc, M0, Nc, Q): at0 = np.array((1, 1, 1, 1, np.log(1 / s0w ** 2), np.log(1 / s0t ** 2))) # function that evaluates the log of the target distribution at given parameter # values tar = lambda at: MCMCMHNJ.tar_at(at, data_y, data_x, m0w, s0w, m0t, s0t) # function that evaluates the negative log of the target distribution to # evaluate MAP estimates mapp = lambda at: -tar(at) res = minimize(mapp, at0) pars = res.x V = res.hess_inv L = np.linalg.cholesky(V) # Function that draws sample from a Gaussian random walk jumping distribution jump = lambda A: MCMCMHNJ.jumprwg(A, L) rr = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(6, Nc)) A0 = np.matlib.repmat(pars.T, Nc, 1).T + np.matmul(L, rr) sam = MCMCMHNJ.mcmcmh(Mc, Nc, M0, Q, A0, tar, jump) return 1 / np.sqrt(np.exp(sam[0][0, -2:]))
[docs] @staticmethod def tar_at(at, y, x, m0w, s0w, m0t, s0t): """Target dist for noise and jitter posterior dist KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-07-30 Parameters ---------- at (n+2,N) Parameters alpha, log(1/tau^2) and log(1/w^2) y (m,1) Signal x (m,1) time at which signal was recorded m0w degree of belief in prior estimate for omega s0w prior estimate of omega m0t degree of belief in prior estimate for tau s0t prior estimate of tau Returns ------- T Log of the posterior distribution """ # Size of parameter vector at = np.array(at) p = at.shape[0] # Number of alphas n = p - 2 # Extract parameters alpha = at[0:n] phi1 = np.exp(at[-2]) phi2 = np.exp(at[-1]) taus = np.ones(phi1.shape) / np.sqrt(phi1) omegas = np.ones(phi2.shape) / np.sqrt(phi2) # Gamma priors for phis prior_phi1 = (m0t / 2) * np.log(phi1) - phi1 * m0t * s0t ** 2 / 2 prior_phi2 = (m0w / 2) * np.log(phi2) - phi2 * m0w * s0w ** 2 / 2 # function that evaluates the cubic function with user specified cubic # parameters fun = lambda aa: MCMCMHNJ.fgh_cubic(aa, x) # cubic, expectation and variance [st, st1, st2] = fun(alpha) expect = st + 0.5 * (taus ** 2) * st2 vari = (taus ** 2) * (st1 ** 2) + omegas ** 2 # Likelihood lik = sum(MCMCMHNJ.ln_gauss_pdf_v(y, expect, np.sqrt(vari))) # Posterior T = lik + prior_phi1 + prior_phi2 return T
[docs] @staticmethod def fgh_cubic(alpha, t): """Cubic function and its first and second derivative KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-04-22 Parameters ---------- alpha (4,N) Alpha parameters t (m,1) Times Returns ------- f (m,N) Cubic function f1 (m,N) Derivative of cubic f2 (m,N) Second derivative of cubic """ # length of data and number of parameters m = t.size # design matrix C = np.array([np.ones(m), t, t ** 2, t ** 3]) # derivative info C1 = np.array([np.ones(m), 2 * t, 3 * t ** 2]) C2 = np.array([2 * np.ones(m), 6 * t]) # cubic and derivatives f = np.matmul(C.T, alpha) f1 = np.matmul(C1.T, alpha[1:]) f2 = np.matmul(C2.T, alpha[2:]) return f, f1, f2
[docs] @staticmethod def ln_gauss_pdf_v(x, mu, sigma): """Log of the Gaussian pdf KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-03-12 Parameters ---------- x (m,1) Points at which pdf is to be evaluated mu Mean of distribution sigma Standard deviation of the distribution Returns ------- logf Log of the Gaussian pdf at x with mean mu and std sigma """ try: # When inputs are high dimensional arrays/matrices xx = np.matlib.repmat(x, mu.shape[1], 1) xx = xx.T logk = -np.log(2 * math.pi) / 2 - np.log(sigma) logp = -((xx - mu) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2) # Log of the Gaussian PDF logf = logk + logp except IndexError: # When inputs are vectors logk = -np.log(2 * math.pi) / 2 - np.log(sigma) logp = -((x - mu) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2) # Log of the Gaussian PDF logf = logk + logp return logf
[docs] @staticmethod def jumprwg(A, L): """Jumping distribution for the Metropolis Hastings Gaussian random walk KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-04-22 Parameters ---------- A(n,N) Samples at the current iteration L(n,n) Cholesky factor of variance of parameter vector. Returns ------- As(n,N) Proposed parameter array which is randomly sampled from the jumping distribution dp0 The difference between the logarithm of the jumping distribution associated with moving from A(:,j) to As(:,j) and that associated with moving from As(:,j) to A(:,j), up to an additive constant. log P0(a|as) - log P0(as|a) """ # Number of parameters and parallel chains n, N = A.shape # random draw from a Gaussian distribution e = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n, N)) # proposed draw from a Gaussian distribution with mean A and variance LL' As = A + np.matmul(L, e) # For a Gaussian random walk, since log P0(a|as) = log P0(as|a), dp0 will # always be zero dp0 = np.zeros(N) return As, dp0
[docs] @staticmethod def mcmcmh(M, N, M0, Q, A0, tar, jump): """Metrolopolis-Hasting MCMC algorithm generating N chains of length M For details about the algorithm please refer to: Gelman A, Carlin JB, Stern HS, Dunson DB, Vehtari A, Rubin DB. Bayesian data analysis. CRC press; 2013 Nov 1. KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-04-22 Parameters ---------- M Length of the chains N Number of chains M0 Burn in period Q (nQ,1) Percentiles 0 <= Q(k) <= 100 A0 (n,N) Array of feasible starting points: the target distribution evaluated at A0(:,j) is strictly positive. Returns ------- S(2+nQ,n) Summary of A - mean, standard deviation and percentile limits, where the percentile limits are given by Q aP(N,1) Acceptance percentages for AA calculated for each chain Rh(n,1) Estimate of convergence. Theoretically Rh >= 1, and the closer to 1, the more evidence of convergence Ne(n,1) Estimate of the number of effective number of independent draws AA(M,N,n) Array storing the chains: A(i,j,k) is the kth element of the parameter vector stored as the ith member of the jth chain AA(1,j,:) = A0(:,j) IAA(M,N) Acceptance indices. IAA(i,j) = 1 means that the proposal as(n,1) generated at the ith step of the jth chain was accepted so that AA(i,j,:) = as. IAA(i,j) = 0 means that the proposal as(n,1) generated at the ith step of the jth chain was rejected so that AA(i,j,:) = AA(i-1,j,:), i > 1. The first set of proposal coincide with A0 are all accepted, so IAA(1,j) = 1. """ A0 = np.array(A0) Q = np.array(Q) # number of parameters for which samples are to be drawn n = A0.shape[0] # number of percentiles to be evaluated nQ = Q.size # Initialising output arrays AA = np.empty((M, N, n)) IAA = np.zeros((M, N)) Rh = np.empty(n) Ne = np.empty(n) S = np.empty((2 + nQ, n)) # starting values of the sample and associated log of target density aq = A0 lq = tar(aq) # Starting values must be feasible for each chain Id = lq > -np.Inf if sum(Id) < N: print("Initial values must be feasible for all chains") return None # Run the chains in parallel for q in range(M): # draw from the jumping distribution and calculate # d = log P0(aq|as) - log P0(as|aq) asam, d = jump(aq) # log of the target density for the new draw as ls = tar(asam) # Metropolis-Hastings acceptance ratio rq = np.exp(ls - lq + d) # draws from the uniform distribution for acceptance rule uq = np.random.rand(N) # index of samples that have been accepted ind = uq < rq # updating the sample and evaluating acceptance indices aq[:, ind] = asam[:, ind] lq[ind] = ls[ind] IAA[q, ind] = 1 # Store Metropolis Hastings sample AA[q, :, :] = np.transpose(aq) # acceptance probabilities for each chain aP = 100 * np.sum(IAA, 0) / M # Convergence and summary statistics for each of the n parameters for j in range(n): # test convergence RN = MCMCMHNJ.mcmcci(np.squeeze(AA[:, :, j]), M0) Rh[j] = RN[0] Ne[j] = RN[1] # provide summary information asq = np.squeeze(AA[:, :, j]) SS = MCMCMHNJ.mcsums(asq, M0, Q) S[0, j] = SS[0] S[1, j] = SS[1] S[2:, j] = SS[2] return S, aP, Rh, Ne, AA, IAA
[docs] @staticmethod def mcmcci(A, M0): """MCMC convergence indices for multiple chains KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-04-22 Parameters ---------- A (M, N) Chain samples, N chains of length M M0 Length of burn-in, M > M0 >= 0. Returns ------- Rhat Convergence index. Rhat is expected to be greater than 1. The closer Rhat is to 1, the better the convergence. Neff Estimate of the effective number of independent draws. Neff is expected to be less than (M-M0)*N. Note: If the calculated value of Rhat is < 1, then Rhat is set to 1 and Neff set to (M-M0)*N, their limit values. Note: If N = 1 or M0 > M-2, Rhat = 0; Neff = 0. """ A = np.array(A) M, N = A.shape # Initialisation Rhat = 0 Neff = 0 # The convergence statistics can only be evaluated if there are multiple chains # and the chain length is greater than the burn in length if N > 1 and M > M0 + 1: Mt = M - M0 # Chain mean and mean of means asub = A[M0:, :] ad = np.mean(asub, axis=0) add = asub.mean() # Within group standard deviation ss = np.std(asub, axis=0) # Between groups variance. dd = np.square(ad - add) B = (Mt * np.sum(dd)) / (N - 1) # Within groups variance. W = np.sum(np.square(ss)) / N # V plus Vp = (Mt - 1) * W / Mt + B / Mt # Convergence statistic, effective number of independent samples Rhat = np.sqrt(Vp / W) Neff = Mt * N * Vp / B Rhat = np.maximum(Rhat, 1) Neff = np.minimum(Neff, Mt * N) return Rhat, Neff
[docs] @staticmethod def mcsums(A, M0, Q): """Summary information from MC samples KJ, LRW, PMH, Anupam Prasad Vedurmudi, Björn Ludwig Version 2020-04-22 Parameters ---------- A An (M,N) array that stores samples of size M x N M0 Burn-in period with M > M0 >= 0 Q (nQ,1) Percentiles specifications, 0 <= Q(l) <= 100 Returns ------- abar(n,1) Mean for each sample s(n,1) Standard deviation for sample aQ(nQ,n) Percentiles corresponding to Q """ # Size of samples after burn-in A = np.array(A) M, N = A.shape m = (M - M0) * N # Initialise percentile vector nQ = Q.size aQ = np.zeros(nQ) # Samples from N parallel chains after burn-in period aaj = A[M0:, :] aaj = aaj.flatten() # Mean and standard deviation of samples abar = np.mean(aaj) s = np.std(aaj) # Percentiles of samples aQ = np.percentile(aaj, Q) return abar, s, aQ
[docs] class NoiseJitterRemovalAgent(AgentMET4FOF):
[docs] def init_parameters( self, fs=100, ydata=np.array([]), N=15, niter=100, tol=1e-9, m0w=10, s0w=0.0005, m0t=10, s0t=0.0002 * 100 / 8, Mc=5000, M0=100, Nc=100, Q=50, ): self.fs = fs self.ydata = ydata self.N = N self.niter = niter self.tol = tol self.m0w = m0w self.s0w = s0w self.m0t = m0t self.s0t = s0t self.Mc = Mc self.M0 = M0 self.Nc = Nc self.Q = Q
[docs] def on_received_message(self, message): if isinstance(message["data"], dict): ddata = message["data"]["quantities"] else: ddata = message["data"] self.ydata = np.append(self.ydata, ddata) if np.size(self.ydata) == self.N: analyse_fun = MCMCMHNJ( self.fs, self.ydata, self.N, self.niter, self.tol, self.m0w, self.s0w, self.m0t, self.s0t, self.Mc, self.M0, self.Nc, self.Q, ) self.send_output(self.ydata[7] - analyse_fun.AnalyseSignalN()) self.ydata = self.ydata[1 : self.N]