Source code for agentMET4FOF.agents.metrological_redundancy_agents

from itertools import combinations
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
from scipy.stats import chi2
from time_series_metadata.scheme import MetaData

from .metrological_base_agents import MetrologicalAgent
from ..exceptions import (

__all__ = ["RedundancyAgent"]

[docs] class RedundancyAgent(MetrologicalAgent): """This is the main Redundancy Agent class `Redundancy` means that there is more than one way to derive the value of the measurand Y from the values of the sensor data X_i. Following main cases are considered in the agent: * Redundant measurement of the measurand Y by independent sensors directly measuring Y * Redundant measurement of the measurand Y by correlated sensors directly measuring Y * Redundant measurement of the measurand Y by correlated sensors X_i indirectly measuring Y, with a linear relationship y = a + A * x between the vector x of sensor values and the vector y containing the various (redundant) estimates of the measurand Y, where a is a vector and A a matrix both of appropriate size. Main calculations are performed in :py:func:`calc_lcs` and :py:func:`calc_lcss`. Usage of the :class:`RedundancyAgent` is relatively straightforward. Note that all static functions have `their own test functions <>`_ illustrating their usage. Details of the different methods are presented in their respective docstrings. Please refer to other sections in this documentation for more information. A scientific publication explaining the ideas behind this agent can be found in [Kok20201]_. Related work can be found in [Kok20202]_. The usage of the Redundancy Agent is illustrated with two examples contained in :ref:`two tutorials <redundancy_tutorials>`. References ---------- * Kok and Harris [Kok20201]_ * Kok and Harris [Kok20202]_ """ metadata: MetaData calc_type: str sensor_key_list: List[str] n_pr: int problim: float a_arr: np.ndarray a_arr2d: np.ndarray
[docs] def init_parameters( self, input_data_maxlen: int = 25, output_data_maxlen: int = 25, sensor_key_list: list = None, n_pr: int = 1, problim: float = 0.9, calc_type: str = "lcs", ): """Initialize the redundancy agent Parameters ---------- input_data_maxlen : int, optional Defaults to 25 output_data_maxlen : int, optional Defaults to 25 sensor_key_list : list of str, optional list containing the names of the sensors that should feed data to the Redundancy Agent. Defaults to None n_pr : int, optional size of the batch of data that is handled at a time by the Redundancy Agent. Defaults to 1 problim : float, optional limit probability used for consistency evaluation. Defaults to .9 calc_type : str, optional calculation type: 'lcs' or 'lcss'. Defaults to 'lcs' """ if sensor_key_list is None: sensor_key_list = [] super().init_parameters(input_data_maxlen=25, output_data_maxlen=25) self.metadata = MetaData( device_id="RedAgent01", time_name="time", time_unit="s", quantity_names="m", quantity_units="kg", misc="nothing", ) self.calc_type = calc_type self.sensor_key_list = sensor_key_list self.n_pr = n_pr self.problim = problim self.set_output_data(channel="default", metadata=self.metadata)
[docs] def init_lcss_parameters(self, fsam, f1, f2, ampl_ratio, phi1, phi2): """Additional parameters used for this particular example Provides the prior knowledge needed to make the information contained in the data redundant. This method sets up the vector **a** and matrix *A* for the system **y** = **a** + *A* * **x**. Parameters ---------- fsam : float sampling frequency f1 : float first frequency of interest in signal f2 : float second frequency of interest in signal ampl_ratio : float ratio of the amplitudes of the two frequency components phi1 : float initial phase of first frequency component phi2 : float initial phase of second frequency component """ # set-up vector a_arr and matrix a_arr2d for redundancy method id_mat = np.identity(self.n_pr) id_fft = np.fft.fft(id_mat) n_pr_floor = self.n_pr // 2 bfft = id_fft[:n_pr_floor, :].real / n_pr_floor cfft = -id_fft[:n_pr_floor, :].imag / n_pr_floor c1 = 1 / np.cos(phi1) c2 = 1 / np.sin(-phi1) c3 = ampl_ratio / np.cos(phi2) c4 = ampl_ratio / np.sin(-phi2) ind_freq1 = f1 * self.n_pr // fsam ind_freq2 = f2 * self.n_pr // fsam a_row1 = c1 * bfft[ind_freq1, :].reshape((1, -1)) a_row2 = c2 * cfft[ind_freq1, :].reshape((1, -1)) a_row3 = c3 * bfft[ind_freq2, :].reshape((1, -1)) a_row4 = c4 * cfft[ind_freq2, :].reshape((1, -1)) self.a_arr2d = np.concatenate((a_row1, a_row2, a_row3, a_row4), axis=0) self.a_arr = np.zeros(shape=(4, 1))
[docs] def agent_loop(self): """Model the agent's behaviour On state *Running* the agent will extract sample by sample the input data streams content and push it via invoking :py:func:`send_output <agentMET4FOF.agents.AgentMET4FOF.send_output>`. """ if self.current_state == "Running": key_list = [ key for key in self.sensor_key_list if key in self.buffer.keys() ] n_sensors = len(key_list) if n_sensors != len(self.sensor_key_list): # expected number of sensors print( "Not all sensors were present in the buffer." "Not evaluating the data." ) return 0 for key in key_list: if self.buffer[key].shape[0] < self.n_pr: print( "Buffer size is ", self.buffer[key].shape[0], ", which is less than ", self.n_pr, ".", ) print("Not enough data for redundancy agent evaluation.") return 0 buff = self.buffer.popleft( self.n_pr ) # take n_pr entries out from the buffer t_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) ut_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) x_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) ux_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) i_sensor = 0 for key in key_list: data_arr = buff[key] t_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 0] ut_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 1] x_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 2] ux_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 3] i_sensor = i_sensor + 1 data = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, 4), fill_value=np.nan) if self.calc_type == "lcs": for i_pnt in range(self.n_pr): y_arr = np.array(x_data_arr2d[i_pnt, :]) y_arr = y_arr.reshape((n_sensors, 1)) vy_arr2d = np.zeros(shape=(n_sensors, n_sensors)) for i_sensor in range(n_sensors): vy_arr2d[i_sensor, i_sensor] = np.square( ux_data_arr2d[i_pnt, i_sensor] ) n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = self.calc_lcs( y_arr, vy_arr2d, self.problim ) if n_solutions == 1: if isinstance(ybest, np.ndarray): ybest = ybest[0] data[i_pnt, :] = np.array( [ t_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ut_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ybest, uybest, ] ) else: # only return the first solution data[i_pnt, :] = np.array( [ t_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ut_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ybest[0], uybest[0], ] ) elif self.calc_type == "lcss": # lcss applied to one data vector (required input) # Sum the signals to get one signal x_data_arr = np.sum(x_data_arr2d, axis=1) x_data_arr = x_data_arr.reshape((len(x_data_arr), 1)) ux2_data_arr = np.sum(np.square(ux_data_arr2d), axis=1) vx_arr2d = np.zeros((self.n_pr, self.n_pr)) for i_val in range(self.n_pr): vx_arr2d[i_val, i_val] = ux2_data_arr[i_val] n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = self.calc_lcss( self.a_arr, self.a_arr2d, x_data_arr, vx_arr2d, self.problim ) print("calc lcss finished") print("n_solutions: ", n_solutions) print("ybest: ", ybest) print("uybest: ", uybest) if n_solutions == 1: # time stamp is latest value if isinstance(ybest, np.ndarray): ybest = ybest[0] data = np.array( [t_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ut_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ybest, uybest] ) else: # only return the first solution data = np.array( [t_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ut_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ybest[0], uybest[0]] ) # Send the data if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data.reshape((1, len(data))) self.set_output_data(channel="default", data=data) super().agent_loop()
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr(y_arr2d, uy_arr2d, prob_lim): """Calculation of consistent estimate for sets of estimates y_ij The y_ij (contained in y_arr2d) are the elements of Y, where each set contains n_estims estimates. The uncertainties are assumed to be independent and given in uy_arr2d. The consistency test is using limit probability limit prob_lim. For each set of estimates, the best estimate, uncertainty, observed chi-2 value and a flag if the provided estimates were consistent given the model are given as output. Parameters ---------- y_arr2d : np.ndarray of size (n_rows, n_estimates) each row contains m=n_estimates independent estimates of a measurand uy_arr2d : np.ndarray of size (n_rows, n_estimates) each row contains the standard uncertainty u(y_ij) of y_ij = y_arr2d[i,j] prob_lim : float limit probability used in consistency test. Typically 0.95. Returns ------- isconsist_arr : bool array of shape (n_rows) indicates for each row if the n_estimates are consistent or not ybest_arr : float or np.ndarray of float in shape (n_rows) contains the best estimate for each row of individual estimates uybest_arr : float or np.ndarray of float in shape (n_rows) contains the uncertainty associated with each best estimate for each row of *y_arr2d* chi2obs_arr : np.ndarray of float in shape (n_rows) observed chi-squared value for each row """ if len(y_arr2d.shape) > 1: n_sets = y_arr2d.shape[0] else: n_sets = 1 n_estims = y_arr2d.shape[-1] # last dimension is number of estimates chi2_lim = chi2.ppf(1 - prob_lim, n_estims - 1) uy2inv_arr2d = 1 / np.power(uy_arr2d, 2) uy2best_arr = 1 / np.sum(uy2inv_arr2d, -1) uybest_arr = np.sqrt(uy2best_arr) ybest_arr = np.sum(y_arr2d * uy2inv_arr2d, -1) * uy2best_arr if n_sets > 1: ybest_arr = ybest_arr.reshape( n_sets, 1 ) # make a column vector of ybest_arr chi2obs_arr = np.sum( np.power( (y_arr2d - np.broadcast_to(ybest_arr, (n_sets, n_estims))) / uy_arr2d, 2 ), -1, ) isconsist_arr = chi2obs_arr <= chi2_lim return isconsist_arr, ybest_arr, uybest_arr, chi2obs_arr
[docs] @staticmethod def print_output_single(isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs): """Print the output of a single row of the calculate_best_estimate function Parameters ---------- isconsist : bool Indicates if provided estimates were consistent ybest : float best estimate uybest : float uncertainty of best estimate chi2obs : float observed value of chi-squared """ print("\tThe observed chi-2 value is %3.3f." % chi2obs) if isconsist: print("\tThe provided estimates (input) were consistent.") else: print("\tThe provided estimates (input) were not consistent.") print(f"\tThe best estimate is {ybest:3.3f} with uncertainty {uybest:3.3f}.\n")
[docs] def print_output_cbe(self, isconsist_arr, ybest_arr, uybest_arr, chi2obs_arr): """Function to print the full output of calc_best_estimate. Parameters ---------- isconsist_arr : bool array of shape (n_rows) indicates for each row if the n_estimates are consistent or not ybest_arr : np.ndarray of floats in shape (n_rows) contains the best estimate for each row of individual estimates uybest_arr : np.ndarray of floats in shape (n_rows) contains the uncertainty associated with each best estimate for each row of *y_arr2d* chi2obs_arr : np.ndarray of floats in shape (n_rows) observed chi-squared value for each row """ if len(ybest_arr.shape) == 0: self.print_output_single(isconsist_arr, ybest_arr, uybest_arr, chi2obs_arr) else: n_sets = ybest_arr.shape[0] print(f"There are {n_sets:.0f} sets with estimates of the measurand.") for i_set in range(n_sets): print(f"The result of set {i_set:.0f} is:") self.print_output_single( isconsist_arr.item(i_set), ybest_arr.item(i_set), uybest_arr.item(i_set), chi2obs_arr.item(i_set), )
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_best_estimate(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim): """Calculate the best estimate for a set of estimates with uncertainties Additionally determine if the set of estimates are consistent using a provided limit probability. Parameters ---------- y_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n) vector of estimates of a measurand Y vy_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n, n) uncertainty matrix associated with y_arr problim : float probability limit used for assessing the consistency of the estimates. Typically, problim equals 0.95. Returns ------- isconsist : bool indicator whether provided estimates are consistent in view of *problim* ybest : float best estimate of measurand uybest : float uncertainty associated with *ybest* chi2obs : float observed value of chi-squared, used for consistency evaluation """ print(f"cbe y_arr = {y_arr}") n_estims = len(y_arr) if n_estims == 1: isconsist = True ybest = y_arr[0] uybest = np.sqrt(vy_arr2d[0, 0]) chi2obs = 0.0 else: e_arr = np.ones(n_estims) vyinve_arr = np.linalg.solve(vy_arr2d, e_arr) uy2 = 1 /, vyinve_arr) uybest = np.sqrt(uy2) ybest =, y_arr) * uy2 yred_arr = y_arr - ybest chi2obs = yred_arr.transpose(), np.linalg.solve(vy_arr2d, yred_arr) ) # check need for transpose chi2lim = chi2.ppf(problim, n_estims - 1) isconsist = chi2obs <= chi2lim return isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs
[docs] @staticmethod def get_combination(values, n_keep, certain_combinations_index): """Return a certain subset of n_keep elements in a given array Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray original values n_keep : int number of elements in subset certain_combinations_index : int the index of the desired combination as a result of a call of ``combinations(values, n_keep)`` """ subsets = combinations(values, n_keep) i_subset = -1 for subset in subsets: i_subset += 1 if i_subset == certain_combinations_index: return np.array(list(subset))
[docs] def calc_lcs(self, y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim): """Calculate the best estimate of a measurand with associated uncertainty matrix Parameters ---------- y_arr: np.ndarray of shape (n) vector with estimates of the measurand vy_arr2d: np.ndarray of shape (n, n) uncertainty matrix of the vector y_arr problim: float limit probability used in the consistency evaluation. Typically 0.95. Returns ------- n_solutions : int or np.ndarray of ints number of solutions ybest : float or np.ndarray of floats best estimate uybest : float or np.ndarray of floats standard uncertainty of best estimate chi2obs : float or np.ndarray of floats observed chi-squared value indkeep : np.ndarray of shape (n) or (n_sols, n) indices of kept estimates """ n_solutions = 0 indkeep = np.nan isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = self.calc_best_estimate( y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim ) n_estims = len(y_arr) estim_arr = np.arange(n_estims) n_remove = 0 if isconsist: # set the other return variables n_solutions = 1 indkeep = estim_arr while not isconsist: n_remove += 1 subsets = combinations(estim_arr, n_estims - n_remove) n_subsets = comb(n_estims, n_remove, exact=True) isconsist_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) ybest_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) uybest_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) chi2obs_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) i_subset = -1 for subset in subsets: i_subset += 1 sublist = list(subset) yred_arr = y_arr[sublist] vyred_arr2d = vy_arr2d[np.ix_(sublist, sublist)] ( isconsist_arr[i_subset], ybest_arr[i_subset], uybest_arr[i_subset], chi2obs_arr[i_subset], ) = self.calc_best_estimate(yred_arr, vyred_arr2d, problim) # Find smallest chi2obs value amongst all subsets. If multiple possibilities # exist, return them all indmin = np.argmin(chi2obs_arr) if isconsist_arr[indmin]: # consistent solution found (otherwise isconsist remains false and the # while loop continues) isconsist = True chi2obs = chi2obs_arr[indmin] # minimum chi2obs value indmin = np.where(chi2obs_arr == chi2obs)[ 0 ] # list with all indices with minimum chi2obs value n_solutions = len(indmin) if n_solutions == 1: ybest = ybest_arr[indmin[0]] uybest = uybest_arr[indmin[0]] indkeep = self.get_combination( estim_arr, n_estims - n_remove, indmin ) else: # multiple solutions exist, the return types become arrays ybest = np.full(n_solutions, np.nan) uybest = np.full(n_solutions, np.nan) indkeep = np.full((n_solutions, n_estims - n_remove), np.nan) for i_sol in range(n_solutions): ybest[i_sol] = ybest_arr[indmin[i_sol]] uybest[i_sol] = uybest_arr[indmin[i_sol]] indkeep[i_sol] = self.get_combination( estim_arr, n_estims - n_remove, indmin[i_sol] ) return n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep
[docs] def on_received_message(self, message): """Handle incoming data from 'default' channels Store 'default' data into an internal buffer. Parameters ---------- message : dict Only acceptable channel value is 'default'. """ if message["channel"] == "default": self.buffer_store(agent_from=message["from"], data=message["data"]) return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def print_output_lcs(n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, y_arr): """Method to print the output of the method :func:`calc_lcs` Parameters ---------- n_solutions : int number of best solutions ybest : float or np.ndarray of shape (n_sols) best estimate or vector of best estimates uybest : float or np.ndarray of shape (n_sols) standard uncertainty of best estimate or vector with standard uncertainty of best estimates chi2obs : float observed chi-squared value of all best solutions indkeep : np.ndarray of shape (n) or (n_sols, n) indices of retained estimates of y_arr for the calculation of the best estimate ybest y_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n) individual estimates of measurand """ n_estims = len(y_arr) n_keep = indkeep.shape[ -1 ] # number of retained estimates in the best solution(s) if n_solutions == 1: print( f"calc_lcs found a unique solution with chi2obs = {chi2obs:4.4f} using" f"{n_keep:.0f} of the provided {n_estims:.0f} estimates." ) print(f"\ty = {ybest:4.4f}, u(y) = {uybest:4.4f}") print(f"\tIndices and values of retained provided estimates:", end=" ") for ind in indkeep[:-1]: indint = int(ind) print(f"y[{indint:.0f}]= {y_arr[indint]:2.2f}", end=", ") indint = int(indkeep[-1]) print(f"y[{indint:.0f}]= {y_arr[indint]:2.2f}.\n") else: print( f"calc_lcs found {n_solutions:.0f} equally good solutions with chi2obs " f"= {chi2obs:4.4f} using {n_keep:.0f} of the provided {n_estims:.0f} " f"estimates." ) for i_sol in range(n_solutions): print(f"\tSolution {i_sol:.0f} is:") print(f"\ty = {ybest[i_sol]:4.4f}, u(y) = {uybest[i_sol]:4.4f}") print("\tIndices and values of retained provided estimates:", end=" ") for ind in indkeep[i_sol][:-1]: indint = int(ind) print("y[%d]= %2.2f" % (indint, y_arr[indint]), end=", ") indint = int(indkeep[i_sol][-1]) print("y[%d]= %2.2f.\n" % (indint, y_arr[indint])) return
[docs] @staticmethod def ind_reduce_a(a_arr2d, epszero): """Returns the index of a linear dependent row of a matrix A The motivation for this is, that this row does not contribute any new information to the system. Parameters ---------- a_arr2d : np.ndarray The matrix to be reduced as 2-dimensional array epszero : float some small constant used for checking equality to zero Returns ------- int the index of the last row that can be taken out """ if a_arr2d.shape[0] <= np.linalg.matrix_rank(a_arr2d): raise SystemMatrixNotReducibleError("A cannot be reduced!") # Find a solution of A' * b = 0. u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(np.transpose(a_arr2d)) b = vh[-1, :] indrem = np.where(abs(b) > epszero)[ 0 ] # Remove a row corresponding to a non-zero entry in b. if len(indrem) == 0: raise ValueError("b is a zero vector!") indrem = indrem[-1] return indrem
[docs] @staticmethod def reduce_vx(x_arr, vx_arr2d, a_arr, a_arr2d, epszero): """Reduce the system if matrix Vx is not of full rank This might be ambiguous, as constant sensor values or offsets have to be estimated and are not known. Parameters ---------- x_arr : np.ndarray The vector x to be reduced vx_arr2d : np.ndarray The matrix Vx to be reduced as 2-dimensional array a_arr : np.ndarray The vector a to be reduced a_arr2d : np.ndarray The matrix A to be reduced as 2-dimensional array epszero : float some small constant used for checking equality to zero Returns ------- np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray The reduced matrices and vectors xred_arr, vxred_arr2d, ared_arr, ared_arr2d """ if vx_arr2d.shape[0] <= np.linalg.matrix_rank(vx_arr2d, epszero): print("Vx cannot be reduced any further!") return # Remove one sensor from Vx, A and x that is a linear combination of the other # sensors. Find a solution of Vx * b = 0. u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(vx_arr2d) b = vh[-1, :] # bottom row of vh is orthogonal to Vx if abs(, x_arr)) > epszero: raise SensorsNotLinearlyIndependentError( "Sensors in x should be linearly independent with b^T * x = 0, but" "this is not the case!" ) indrem = np.where(abs(b) > epszero)[ 0 ] # Remove a sensor corresponding to a non-zero entry in b. if len(indrem) == 0: raise ValueError("b is the zero vector!") indrem = indrem[-1] # take out the last sensor indsenskeep = np.concatenate( (np.arange(indrem), np.arange(indrem, vx_arr2d.shape[0])) ) vxred_arr2d = vx_arr2d[indsenskeep, indsenskeep] xred_arr = x_arr[indsenskeep] # Update A by removing the sensor and updating the system of equations ared_arr2d = a_arr2d - a_arr2d[:, indrem] / b[indrem] * np.transpose(b) if max(abs(ared_arr2d[:, indrem])) > epszero: print(ared_arr2d) raise ColumnNotZeroError(f"Column {indrem} should be zero by now!") ared_arr2d = a_arr2d[:, indsenskeep] # remove the zero column from A ared_arr = a_arr + a_arr2d - ared_arr2d, x_arr ) # adapt vector a_arr such that the vector of estimates y = a + A*x remains # the same return xred_arr, vxred_arr2d, ared_arr, ared_arr2d
[docs] def calc_best_est_lin_sys(self, a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim): """Calculate the best estimate of a linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** Additionally determine if the inputs are consistent in view of *problim*. Parameters ---------- a_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates) vector **a** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** a_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates, n_sensors) matrix A of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** x_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors) vector with sensor values, vector **x** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** vx_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors, n_sensors) uncertainty matrix associated with vector x_arr problim : float probability limit used for consistency evaluation. Typically 0.95. Returns ------- isconsist : bool indicator whether provided estimates are consistent in view of *problim* ybest : float best estimate uybest : float standard uncertainty of best estimate chi2obs : float observed chi-squared value """ print("start calc_best_est_lin_sys") epszero = 1e-10 # some small constant used for some checks # The main procedure only works when vy_arr2d has full rank. Therefore first # a_arr, a_arr2d and vx_arr2d need to be reduced such that vy_arr2d will have # full rank. xred_arr = x_arr vxred_arr2d = vx_arr2d ared_arr = a_arr ared_arr2d = a_arr2d # Reduce the system if the covariance matrix vx_arr2d is rank deficient. while np.linalg.matrix_rank(vxred_arr2d) < vxred_arr2d.shape[0]: print( "Reducing Vx. No of rows = ", vxred_arr2d.shape[0], ", rank = ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(vxred_arr2d), ) [xred_arr, vxred_arr2d, ared_arr, ared_arr2d] = self.reduce_vx( xred_arr, vxred_arr2d, ared_arr, ared_arr2d, epszero ) # Reduce the system if a_arr2d has more rows than its rank. while ared_arr2d.shape[0] > np.linalg.matrix_rank(ared_arr2d): print( "Reducing A. No of rows = ", ared_arr2d.shape[0], ", rank = ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(ared_arr2d), ) print(f"ared_arr2d: {ared_arr2d}") ind_rem = self.ind_reduce_a(ared_arr2d, epszero) n_rows = ared_arr2d.shape[0] indrowskeep = np.concatenate( (np.arange(0, ind_rem), np.arange(ind_rem + 1, n_rows)) ) ared_arr = ared_arr[indrowskeep] ared_arr2d = ared_arr2d[ indrowskeep, ] # calculate y vector and Vy matrix print("ared_arr2d: ", ared_arr2d) print("ared_arr: ", ared_arr.shape) print("ared_arr2d: ", ared_arr2d.shape) print("xred_arr: ", xred_arr.shape) y_arr = ared_arr +, xred_arr) vy_arr2d = np.matmul( np.matmul(ared_arr2d, vxred_arr2d), np.transpose(ared_arr2d) ) # try to calculate a consistent solution with these y and Vy. isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = self.calc_best_estimate( y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim ) return isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs
[docs] def calc_lcss(self, a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim): """Calculation of the largest consistent subset of sensor values Additionally the implied best estimate is returned. Parameters ---------- a_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates) vector **a** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** a_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates, n_sensors) matrix A of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** x_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors) vector with sensor values vector **x** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** vx_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors, n_sensors) uncertainty matrix associated with vector x_arr problim : float probability limit used for consistency evaluation. Typically 0.95 Returns ------- n_solutions: int or np.ndarray of ints number of solutions isconsist: bool or np.ndarray of bool indicator whether provided estimates are consistent in view of *problim* ybest: float or np.ndarray of floats best estimate uybest: float or np.ndarray of floats standard uncertainty of best estimate chi2obs: float or np.ndarray of floats observed chi-squared value """ n_solutions = 0 indkeep = np.nan print("start calc_lcss") epszero = 1e-7 # epsilon for rank check eps_chi2 = 1e-7 # epsilon for chi2 equivalence check isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = self.calc_best_est_lin_sys( a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim ) n_sens = len(x_arr) sens_arr = np.arange(n_sens) n_remove = 0 if isconsist: # set the other return variables n_solutions = 1 indkeep = sens_arr # no consistent solution, remove sensors 1 by 1, 2 by 2, etc. while not isconsist: n_remove += 1 subsets = combinations(sens_arr, n_sens - n_remove) n_subsets = comb(n_sens, n_remove, exact=True) isconsist_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) ybest_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) uybest_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) chi2obs_arr = np.full(n_subsets, np.nan) i_subset = -1 for subset in subsets: i_subset += 1 sublistsenskeep = list(subset) xred_arr = x_arr[sublistsenskeep] vxred_arr2d = vx_arr2d[:, sublistsenskeep] vxred_arr2d = vxred_arr2d[sublistsenskeep, :] boolremove_arr = np.full(n_sens, True) boolremove_arr[sublistsenskeep] = False if ( np.linalg.matrix_rank( np.concatenate( ( a_arr2d[:, boolremove_arr], np.ones((a_arr2d.shape[0], 1)), ), axis=1, ), epszero, ) == np.linalg.matrix_rank(a_arr2d[:, boolremove_arr], epszero) ): # there is no vector c such that c' * ones = 1 and c' * ai = 0 at # the same time. Thus this combination of sensors cannot be # removed as a group from the matrix A. isconsist_arr[i_subset] = False continue # continue with next subset ared_arr2d = np.concatenate( (a_arr2d[:, boolremove_arr], a_arr2d[:, sublistsenskeep]), axis=1 ) # move the columns corresponding to sensors to be taken out to the # front q, r = np.linalg.qr(ared_arr2d) q1 = q[ :, n_remove: ] # these (n_sens-n_remove) columns are orthogonal to the first n # remove columns of ared_arr2d s = np.sum( q1, axis=0 ) # column sums might be zero which is a problem for normalization # to unit sum indzero = np.where(np.abs(s) < epszero)[0] if len(indzero) > 0: indnonzero = np.full(n_sens - n_remove, True) # all True array indnonzero[indzero] = False # positions that are zero are false indnonzero = np.where( indnonzero ) # conversion to indices instead of boolean array if len(indnonzero) == 0: print("ERROR: All columns have zero sum!") b = q1[ :, indnonzero[0] ] # b is column vector with no zero column sum for i_zero in range(len(indzero)): q1[:, indzero[i_zero]] = ( q1[:, indzero[i_zero]] + b ) # add b to prevent zero column sum q1 = q1 / np.sum( q1, axis=0 ) # unit column sums, in order not to introduce a bias in the estimate # of the measurand ared_arr2d = np.matmul(np.transpose(q1), ared_arr2d) ared_arr = np.matmul(np.transpose(q1), a_arr) # The columns of matrix ared_arr2d are still in the wrong order compared # to the order of the sensors ared2_arr2d = np.full_like(ared_arr2d, np.nan) ared2_arr2d[:, boolremove_arr] = ared_arr2d[ :, :n_remove ] # columns 0, 1, ..., (n_remove-1) ared2_arr2d[:, np.invert(boolremove_arr)] = ared_arr2d[ :, n_remove: ] # columns n_remove, ..., (n_sens-1) ared_arr2d = ared2_arr2d if np.linalg.norm(ared_arr2d[:, boolremove_arr]) > epszero: raise ColumnNotZeroError( f"These columns of A should be zero by now!" ) ared_arr2d = ared_arr2d[ :, sublistsenskeep ] # reduce the matrix A by removing the appropriate columns of A, # which are zero anyway. ( isconsist_arr[i_subset], ybest_arr[i_subset], uybest_arr[i_subset], chi2obs_arr[i_subset], ) = self.calc_best_est_lin_sys( ared_arr, ared_arr2d, xred_arr, vxred_arr2d, problim ) # After analyzing all subset, find the smallest chi2obs value amongst all # subsets. # If multiple possibilities exist, return them all indmin = np.argmin(chi2obs_arr) if isconsist_arr[indmin]: # consistent solution found (otherwise isconsist remains false and # the while loop continues) isconsist = True chi2obs = chi2obs_arr[indmin] # minimum chi2obs value indmin = np.where(np.abs(chi2obs_arr - chi2obs) < eps_chi2)[ 0 ] # list with all indices with minimum chi2obs value n_solutions = len(indmin) if n_solutions == 1: ybest = ybest_arr[indmin[0]] uybest = uybest_arr[indmin[0]] indkeep = self.get_combination( sens_arr, n_sens - n_remove, indmin ) # indices of kept estimates else: # multiple solutions exist, the return types become arrays ybest = np.full(n_solutions, np.nan) uybest = np.full(n_solutions, np.nan) indkeep = np.full((n_solutions, n_sens - n_remove), np.nan) for i_sol in range(n_solutions): ybest[i_sol] = ybest_arr[indmin[i_sol]] uybest[i_sol] = uybest_arr[indmin[i_sol]] indkeep[i_sol] = self.get_combination( sens_arr, n_sens - n_remove, indmin[i_sol] ) return n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep
[docs] @staticmethod def print_input_lcss(x_arr, vx_arr2d, a_arr, a_arr2d, problim): """Prints the input parameters of the method Parameters ---------- x_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors) vector with sensor values, vector **x** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** vx_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_sensors, n_sensors) uncertainty matrix associated with vector x_arr a_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates) vector **a** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** a_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates, n_sensors) matrix A of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** problim : float probability limit used for consistency evaluation. Typically 0.95 """ print( f"""INPUT of lcss function call: Vector a of linear system: a_arr = {a_arr} Matrix A of linear system: a_arr2d = {a_arr2d} Vector x with sensor values: x_arr = {x_arr} Covariance matrix Vx of sensor values: vx_arr2d = {vx_arr2d} Limit probability for chi-squared test: p = {problim}""" )
[docs] @staticmethod def print_output_lcss(n_solutions, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, x_arr, a_arr2d): """Prints the outputs of the method :meth:`calc_lcss` Parameters ---------- n_solutions : int or np.ndarray of ints number of solutions ybest : float or np.ndarray of floats best estimate uybest : float or np.ndarray of floats standard uncertainty of best estimate chi2obs : float or np.ndarray of floats observed chi-squared value indkeep : np.ndarray of int indices of kept estimates x_arr : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates) vector **a** of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** a_arr2d : np.ndarray of shape (n_estimates, n_sensors) matrix A of linear system **y** = **a** + A * **x** Returns ------- None """ n_sensors = len(x_arr) n_eq = a_arr2d.shape[0] n_keep = indkeep.shape[ -1 ] # number of retained estimates in the best solution(s) print( f"Provided number of sensors (or sensor values) was {n_sensors} and " f"number of equations was {n_eq}." ) if n_solutions == 1: print( "calc_lcss found a unique solution with chi2obs = %4.4f using %d of " "the provided %d sensor values." % (chi2obs, n_keep, n_sensors) ) print("\ty = %4.4f, u(y) = %4.4f" % (ybest, uybest)) print("\tIndices and values of retained provided sensor values:", end=" ") for ind in indkeep[:-1]: indint = int(ind) print("x[%d]= %2.2f" % (indint, x_arr[indint]), end=", ") indint = int(indkeep[-1]) print("x[%d]= %2.2f.\n" % (indint, x_arr[indint])) else: print( "calc_lcss found %d equally good solutions with chi2obs = %4.4f " "using %d of the provided %d sensor values." % (n_solutions, chi2obs, n_keep, n_eq) ) for i_sol in range(n_solutions): print("\tSolution %d is:" % i_sol) print("\ty = %4.4f, u(y) = %4.4f" % (ybest[i_sol], uybest[i_sol])) print( "\tIndices and values of retained provided sensor values:", end=" " ) for ind in indkeep[i_sol][:-1]: indint = int(ind) print("x[%d]= %2.2f" % (indint, x_arr[indint]), end=", ") indint = int(indkeep[i_sol][-1]) print("x[%d]= %2.2f.\n" % (indint, x_arr[indint])) return