Installation of agentMET4FOF¶

The installation of agentMET4FOF is as straightforward as the Python ecosystem suggests. In the video tutorial series linked in the README we guide you through every step until you have agentMET4FOF running on your machine.

If you want to take the steps manually we guide you through in this document.

Set up a virtual environment¶

For the motivation of creating to virtual environment for your installation of the agents check the official Python docs on that topic. You have the option to do this with Anaconda, if you already have it installed, or use the Python built-in tool venv. The commands differ slightly between Windows and Mac/Linux.

Create a venv Python environment on Windows¶

In your Windows PowerShell execute the following to set up a virtual environment in a folder of your choice.

PS C:\LOCAL\PATH\TO\ENVS> py -3 -m venv agentMET4FOF_venv
PS C:\LOCAL\PATH\TO\ENVS> agentMET4FOF_venv\Scripts\activate

Proceed to step 2.

Create a venv Python environment on Mac & Linux¶

In your terminal execute the following to set up a virtual environment in a folder of your choice.

$ python3 -m venv agentMET4FOF_venv
$ source agentMET4FOF_venv/bin/activate

Proceed to step 2.

Create an Anaconda Python environment¶

To get started with your present Anaconda installation just go to Anaconda prompt and execute

$ conda env create --file /LOCAL/PATH/TO/agentMET4FOF/environment.yml 

That’s it!

Install agentMET4FOF via pip¶

Once you activated your virtual environment, you can install agentMET4FOF via:

pip install agentMET4FOF
Collecting agentMET4FOF
Successfully installed agentMET4FOF-[...] [...]

That’s it!

Get started developing¶

As a starter we recommend working through the tutorials which we present in detail in our video tutorial series linked in the README.

Orphaned processes¶

In the event of agents not terminating cleanly, you can end all Python processes running on your system (caution: the following commands affect all running Python processes, not just those that emerged from the agents).

Killing all Python processes in Windows¶

In your Windows command prompt execute the following to terminate all python processes.

> taskkill /f /im python.exe /t

Killing all Python processes on Mac and Linux¶

In your terminal execute the following to terminate all python processes.

$ pkill python