agentMET4FOF agent network

class'', port=3333, connect=False, log_filename='log_file.csv', dashboard_modules=True, dashboard_extensions=[], dashboard_update_interval=3, dashboard_max_monitors=10, dashboard_port=8050, backend='osbrain', mesa_update_interval=0.1, network_stylesheet=[{'selector': 'node', 'style': {'label': 'data(id)', 'shape': 'rectangle', 'text-valign': 'center', 'text-halign': 'center', 'color': '#FFF', 'text-outline-width': 1.5, 'text-outline-color': '#000232'}}, {'selector': 'edge', 'style': {'curve-style': 'unbundled-bezier', 'mid-target-arrow-shape': 'triangle', 'arrow-scale': 2, 'line-color': '#4287f5', 'mid-target-arrow-color': '#4287f5', 'label': 'data(channel)', 'text-outline-width': 1.5, 'text-outline-color': '#000232', 'color': '#FFF', 'text-margin-x': '10px', 'text-margin-y': '20px'}}, {'selector': '.rectangle', 'style': {'shape': 'rectangle'}}, {'selector': '.triangle', 'style': {'shape': 'triangle'}}, {'selector': '.octagon', 'style': {'shape': 'octagon'}}, {'selector': '.ellipse', 'style': {'shape': 'ellipse'}}, {'selector': '.bluebackground', 'style': {'background-color': '#c4fdff'}}, {'selector': '.blue', 'style': {'background-color': '#006db5'}}, {'selector': '.coalition', 'style': {'background-color': '#c4fdff', 'text-valign': 'top', 'text-halign': 'center'}}, {'selector': '.coalition-edge', 'style': {'line-style': 'dashed'}}, {'selector': '.outline', 'style': {'color': '#fff', 'text-outline-color': '#888', 'text-outline-width': 2}}], **dashboard_kwargs)[source]

Object for starting a new Agent Network or connect to an existing Agent Network

An existing Agent Network can be specified by ip & port. Provides function to add agents, (un)bind agents, query agent network state, set global agent states Interfaces with an internal _AgentController which is hidden from user.

class Coalition(name='Coalition', agents=[])[source]

A special class for grouping agents.

It is rendered as a parent group on the dashboard, along with its member agents.

class MesaModel[source]

A MESA Model


Shutdown entire MESA model with all agents and schedulers


Advance the model by one step.

class _AgentController(name='', host=None, serializer=None, transport=None, attributes=None, backend='osbrain', mesa_model=None)[source]

Unique internal agent to provide control to other agents

Automatically instantiated when starting server. Provides global control to all agents in network.


Internal method to access the Logger relative to the nameserver

_transform_string_into_valid_name(name: str) → str[source]

Ensure that name does not contain invalid characters

osBrain does not allow spaces in agents’ names, so we replace them by underscores.

Parameters:name (str) – a string that is supposed to be an agent’s name for assigning it or to search for
Returns:the cleaned version of the name, i.e. for backend == 'osbrain' without spaces
Return type:str

Instantiates a coalition of agents

add_coalition_agent(name: str, agents: List[Union[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF, osbrain.proxy.Proxy]])[source]

Add agents into the coalition

agents(exclude_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) → List[str][source]

Returns all or subset of agents’ names connected to agent network

For the osBrain backend , the mandatory agents AgentController, Logger are never returned.

Parameters:exclude_names (str, optional) – if present, only those names are returned which contain exclude_names’s value
Returns:requested names of agents
Return type:list[str]

Delete all coalitions

get_agent(agent_name: str) → Union[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF, osbrain.proxy.Proxy, None][source]

Returns a particular agent connected to Agent Network

Parameters:agent_name (str) – Name of agent to search for in the network
Returns:The particular agent with the provided name or None, if no agent with the provided name can be found
Return type:Union[AgentMET4FOF, Proxy]
get_coalition(name: str)[source]

Gets the coalition based on provided name

init_parameters(ns=None, backend='osbrain', mesa_model=None, log_mode=True)[source]

User provided function to initialize parameters of choice.

remove_agent_from_coalition(coalition_name: str, agent_name: str)[source]

Remove agent from a coalition

class _Logger(name='', host=None, serializer=None, transport=None, attributes=None, backend='osbrain', mesa_model=None)[source]

An internal logger agent which is instantiated with each AgentNetwork

It collects all the logs which are sent to it, and print them and optionally save them into a csv log file. Since the user is not expected to directly access the logger agent, its initialisation option and interface are provided via the AgentNetwork object.

When log_info of any agent is called, the agent will send the data to the logger agent.

init_parameters(log_filename='log_file.csv', save_logfile=True)[source]

User provided function to initialize parameters of choice.

_get_controller() →[source]

Internal method to access the AgentController relative to the nameserver


Internal method to get mode of agent controller

Returns:state – State of Agent Network
Return type:str
_get_logger() →[source]

Internal method to access the Logger relative to the nameserver

_set_controller_mode(state: str)[source]

Internal method to set mode of agent controller

Parameters:state (str) – State of agent controller to set
add_agent(name: Optional[str] = ' ', agentType: Optional[Type[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF]] = <class 'agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF'>, log_mode: Optional[bool] = True, buffer_size: Optional[int] = 1000, ip_addr: Optional[str] = None, loop_wait: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) → Type[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF][source]

Instantiates a new agent in the network.

  • name (str, optional) – Unique name of agent, defaults to the agent’s class name.
  • agentType (Type[AgentMET4FOF] or subclass of AgentMET4FOF, optional) – Agent class to be instantiated in the network, defaults to AgentMET4FOF
  • log_mode (bool, optional) – Determines if messages will be logged to background Logger Agent, defaults to True
  • buffer_size (int, optional) – The total number of elements to be stored in the agent buffer, defaults to 1.000
  • ip_addr (str, optional) – IP Address of the Agent Network address to connect to. By default, it will match that of the ip_addr, assuming the Dashboard and Agent Network are run on the same machine with same IP address.
  • loop_wait (float, optional) – The wait between each iteration of the loop, defaults to the AgentMET4FOF.init_agent_loop() default

Newly instantiated agent

Return type:


add_coalition(name='Coalition_1', agents=[])[source]

Instantiates a coalition of agents.

add_coalition_agent(name='Coalition_1', agents=[])[source]

Add agents into the coalition

agents(filter_agent: Optional[str] = None) → List[str][source]

Returns all or subset of agents’ names connected to agent network

Parameters:filter_agent (str, optional) – if present, only those names are returned which contain filter_agent’s value
Returns:requested names of agents
Return type:list[str]
agents_by_type(only_type: Optional[Type[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF]] = <class 'agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF'>) → Set[Union[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF, osbrain.proxy.Proxy, None]][source]

Returns all or a subset of agents connected to an agent network

As expected, the returned set might be empty, if there is no agent of the specified class present in the network.

Parameters:only_type (Type[AgentMET4FOF], optional) – if present, only those agents which are instances of the class only_type or a subclasses are listed
Returns:requested agents’ objects depending on the backend either instances of subclasses of AgentMET4FOF or of osBrain’s``Proxy``.
Return type:Set[AgentMET4FOF, Proxy]
bind_agents(source, target, channel='default')[source]

Binds two agents’ communication channel in a unidirectional manner

Any subsequent calls of source.send_output() will reach target agent’s message queue.

  • source (AgentMET4FOF) – Source agent whose Output channel will be binded to target
  • target (AgentMET4FOF) – Target agent whose Input channel will be binded to source
connect(ip_addr: Optional[str] = '', port: Optional[int] = 3333)[source]

Connects to an existing agent network’s name server for osBrain backend

  • ip_addr (str, optional) – IP Address of osBrain name server to connect to, defaults to “”
  • port (int, optional) – Port of osBrain name server to connect to, defaults to 3333
get_agent(agent_name: str) → Union[agentMET4FOF.agents.base_agents.AgentMET4FOF, osbrain.proxy.Proxy, None][source]

Returns a particular agent connected to Agent Network

Parameters:agent_name (str) – Name of agent to search for in the network
Returns:The particular agent with the provided name or None, if no agent with the provided name can be found
Return type:Union[AgentMET4FOF, Proxy]

Returns the coalition with the provided name


Reset all agents’ states and parameters to their initialization state

remove_coalition_agent(coalition_name, agent_name='')[source]

Remove agent from coalition


Reset all agents’ states and parameters to their initialization state

set_agents_state(filter_agent: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = 'Idle')[source]

Blanket operation on all agents to set their current_state to given state

Can be used to define different states of operation such as “Running”, “Idle, “Stop”, etc.. Users will need to define their own flow of handling each type of self.current_state in the agent_loop.

  • filter_agent (str, optional) – Filter name of agents to set the states
  • state (str, optional) – State of agents to set
set_running_state(filter_agent: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Blanket operation on all agents to set their current_state to “Running”

Parameters:filter_agent (str, optional) – Filter name of agents to set the states

Blanket operation on all agents to set their current_state attribute to “Stop”

Users will need to define their own flow of handling each type of self.current_state in the agent_loop.

Parameters:filter_agent (str) – (Optional) Filter name of agents to set the states

Shuts down the entire agent network and all agents


Starts a new AgentNetwork for Mesa

start_server_osbrain(ip_addr: Optional[str] = '', port: Optional[int] = 3333)[source]

Starts a new agent network’s name server for osBrain

  • ip_addr (str, optional) – IP Address of osBrain name server to start, defaults to “”
  • port (int, optional) – Port of osBrain name server to start, defaults to 3333
unbind_agents(source, target)[source]

Unbinds two agents communication channel in a unidirectional manner

This is the reverse of bind_agents()

  • source (AgentMET4FOF) – Source agent whose Output channel will be unbinded from target
  • target (AgentMET4FOF) – Target agent whose Input channel will be unbinded from source