Tutorial 2 - A simple pipeline with signal postprocessing.

Here we demonstrate how to build a MathAgent as an intermediate to process the SineGeneratorAgent’s output before plotting. Subsequently, a MultiMathAgent is built to show the ability to send a dictionary of multiple fields to the recipient. We provide a custom on_received_message() function, which is called every time a message is received from input agents.

The received message is a dictionary of the form:

'data': data,
'senderType': agent_class_name,

By default, 'channel' is set to "default", however a custom channel can be set when needed, which is demonstrated in the next tutorial.

# %load tutorial_2_math_agent.py
from agentMET4FOF.agents import AgentMET4FOF, AgentNetwork, MonitorAgent
from agentMET4FOF.streams import SineGenerator

# Define simple math functions.
def divide_by_two(numerator: float) -> float:
    return numerator / 2

def minus(minuend: float, subtrahend: float) -> float:
    return minuend - subtrahend

def plus(summand_1: float, summand_2: float) -> float:
    return summand_1+summand_2

class MathAgent(AgentMET4FOF):
    def on_received_message(self, message):
        data = divide_by_two(message['data'])

class MultiMathAgent(AgentMET4FOF):
    def init_parameters(self,minus_param=0.5,plus_param=0.5):
        self.minus_param = minus_param
        self.plus_param = plus_param

    def on_received_message(self, message):
        minus_data = minus(message['data'], self.minus_param)
        plus_data = plus(message['data'], self.plus_param)


class SineGeneratorAgent(AgentMET4FOF):
    def init_parameters(self):
        self.stream = SineGenerator()

    def agent_loop(self):
        if self.current_state == "Running":
            sine_data = self.stream.next_sample() #dictionary

def main():
    # start agent network server
    agentNetwork = AgentNetwork()
    # init agents
    gen_agent = agentNetwork.add_agent(agentType=SineGeneratorAgent)
    math_agent = agentNetwork.add_agent(agentType=MathAgent)
    multi_math_agent = agentNetwork.add_agent(agentType=MultiMathAgent)
    monitor_agent = agentNetwork.add_agent(agentType=MonitorAgent)
    # connect agents : We can connect multiple agents to any particular agent
    agentNetwork.bind_agents(gen_agent, math_agent)
    agentNetwork.bind_agents(gen_agent, multi_math_agent)
    # connect
    agentNetwork.bind_agents(gen_agent, monitor_agent)
    agentNetwork.bind_agents(math_agent, monitor_agent)
    agentNetwork.bind_agents(multi_math_agent, monitor_agent)
    # set all agents states to "Running"

    # allow for shutting down the network after execution
    return agentNetwork

if __name__ == '__main__':

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-e91ecde3d431> in <module>
      1 # %load tutorial_2_math_agent.py
----> 2 from agentMET4FOF.agents import AgentMET4FOF, AgentNetwork, MonitorAgent
      3 from agentMET4FOF.streams import SineGenerator

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'agentMET4FOF'